Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I've come to the realization that it might be in my best interest to take a blogging course, or hit up some of my friends who run successful blogs (if you read my other blog "...Our Mothers Knew It..." you know why I say that). I'm also realizing that if I'm going to blog it should about something that that ignites my passion. I am passionate about my religion, my children and my marriage but, lets me honest, I'm not ware near as passionate about these things as I am about FOOD!
I mean, food is amazing! It can be nourishing or detrimental to your health, it can energize you or sedate you (think of how you feel after a big turkey meal) Food can be as beautiful as one of the masterpieces of Van Gogh ----> See! (BTW I did not make that stunning cake. I found the image on swagbucks here is the source
or it can be completely gross looking but taste like heaven!

It seems to me that food is the ultimate canvas, as an artist you can create your masterpiece, photograph it, and then devour it so that it becomes a part of you! OK, maybe that last part was a little on the creepy side but, you get what I'm saying?! Food is one of the mediums that you can receive instant satisfaction from.

Another thing I LOVE about food is that I can give other people pleasure through it. I tend to be an awkward person, and food gives me a social outlet. People can think "Yeah, she's a little weird but, chick knows how to cook! I will be her friend!" and I LOVE people! When I make something amazing I want to share it with everyone I know, that go's for anything I make that I consider to be amazing. Food gives me a chance to truly share who I am with the people I love.

I know blogging about food isn't original but, nothing now-a-days is. I'll also be blogging about health and fitness because that is another passion of mine. And don't be surprised to read the occasional religious post due to the fact that my religion is a huge driving force in my life.
I'll be attempting to update daily (I WILL!)

May your tummy always be filled.

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