Friday, August 31, 2012

Peanut Butter Krispy Treat FAIL

  Sometimes, things don't work out.

I'm trying out a new thing. I'm calling it "Fail Fridays" seeing as how baking and experimenting in the kitchen leads to tons of Failures I thought it might be fun for you all to read and laugh along as I share some of my mishaps.

The Other day I noticed that I had a bunch of Rice Krispy cereal, and as I'm sure you know is no good just eaten as a cereal. No, Rice Krispy's are only good for 1 thing, making treats. I had also noticed that I had what I thought was 1/2 a bag of sligtly melted marshmallows, and some sugar free chunky peanut butter that my husband refuses to eat (the kids and I wont eat the chunky kind) so I thought to my self "I bet these would make some awesome peanut butter rice krispy treats!" and set to work. First I emptied what was about 3/4 of a 16 oz jar of SF PB into my high heat pan (use to be a pressure cooker but, the lid doesn't fit so well anymore.) and cranked up the heat to high until it melted. Once the peanut butter was all gooey I added the marshmallows (which was closer to about 1/3 of the bag) to the goop and let that all melt together. Mean while, I poured out about 5 cups of rice krispy cereal and waited and debated within my self on weather I should lower the amount of cereal.    I decided to ignore my instinct and just leave it as it was because I was running short on time before the princesses stormed the kitchen. The goop in the pot was ready so, I poured it onto the cereal and mixed it all together. After mixing for a while I realized that it just wasn't going to come together like I had hoped. It looked like maybe, if I froze them it would help them hold so, I filled a muffin tin with 12 liners and stuffed them with the "treats" and then popped them into the fridge, you know, because that's pretty much the same thing as a freezer. I had quite a bit left over which I ended up smooshing onto some parchment paper on a jelly roll pan, I use plastic baggies as gloves and pressed as hard as I could in hopes that it would help it hold together. Now, once I got this pan all smashed up I did place it into my deep freeze. 
Fast forward a couple of hours and the princesses are ready for their treats, I pull out the krispy muffins and serve them expecting oo's and ahh's from my masters. Instead they feed them to the dog. I ask what was wrong with them, their answers? "They were to crumbly, they tasted good but we don't like messy crumbly treats" So, all my work, all my creativeness was for naught. Another failed recipe. Next time I think I'll make sure I have a whole bag of Marshmallows if I must use 5 cups of cereal, or shrink down to 3 cups if I don't have everything I need. I had to agree with my critics though, they did taste good and would have been a success if not for the crumblyness. I'm ok with it though, I honestly believe that though failure we often learn the best.
All the treats when to the trash can, I would have fed them to the pooch but the SF peanut butter had Malitotol syrup in it and that has been shown to give dog's cancer, which I don't think would make me popular with my kids because I'm not paying for chemo for my dog.

May your tummy always be full and you kitchen adventures full of failure.

P.S. What have been some of your greatest kitchen failures?
P.S.S. If you enjoy reading my posts please subscribe to stay up to date.


  1. We make pb treats all the time.
    1 c sugar
    1 c corn syrup
    Heat on stove top and stir until the sugar is well dissolved. Turn off the heat and stir in 1 c pb. Mix into 5 cups crispie rice cereal of your choice. These are Raun's fav. The end.
    This is the only thing I use corn syrup for but then again I never buy marshmallows so eh, whatever.
    I am tempted to try it with Cheerios or coco crispies. Perhaps I will someday.

    1. Thanks The Carnleys. I think I may try your recipe with the Coco Crispies next time.
