Monday, August 20, 2012

Do I look like I have the time to cook breakfast every morning?

 I LOVE Eggs!

They're the perfect breakfast food, and I love breakfast so it's natural that I would love eggs.

I could eat a dozen a day EASY! Now, I'm not saying that eating that many eggs in one day is healthy but, I am saying that the wonderful egg is HIGHLY under rated. The egg has been given a bad rep for it's high amounts of cholesterol that is found in the decadent yoke, and since cholesterol has also been given a bad rep due to the Lipid Conspiracy  Hypothesis the has been on a roller coaster ride of health.
Well, I'm going to spare you (this time) from a lecture on the benefits of a paleo/low grain life style but, I do recommend you hop over and check out these sites and

Now, onto breakfast! You will need the following

  • 2 large summer squash
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese (I used Munster, if you prefer a stronger flavor try Sharp Cheddar)
  • 8-12 eggs.
  • A grater
  • A medium sized bowl (2 bowls if you're using fresh eggs)
  • 12 cup muffin tin

Wash and grate your squash, I choose this yellow summer squash because I didn't feel like arguing with my kids when I asked them to eat and the yellow really hides well in the eggs.
I had some leftover eggs in a carton from when I tried the BeachBody menu so I used that. I recommend you use 8-12 whole eggs, if you're really opposed to using that many yokes then use 4-6 whole and 4-6 whites. Add your beaten eggs to the squash and give a good mix to make sure it's all combined.

The only cheese I had in my house this day was sliced Munster so, that's what I used.

If you're using the sliced cheese then slice it up into squares. Add the cheese to the bowl of eggs and squash, sprinkle some salt and pepper and then pour it in to the your muffin tin. Make sure that you've greased it well, go a head and use Pam or your favorite cooking spray because that will make it nice and quick. It's also smart to grease the top of the pan and not just the wells.

Pour the mixture into the muffin tin and then pop into a oven that has been pre-heated to 375 degrees. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Once the egg muffins are done, set them on a rack to cool for about 5 minutes. Serve them 2 at a time with some toasted wheat bread and bacon.

There you go! I hope you enjoy them, I know I did as well as my girls. I keep them in my freezer and pop a couple out and heat in the microwave for about 1 minute per muffin. on mornings that I just don't feel like cooking

May your Tummy's always be full and you be aware of when someone is feeding you lies.

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